The last couple of weeks have been pretty crazy week in the world of Fintech conferences, there was EBADay in Dublin (day 1 and 2), followed by the CB Insights Future of Fintech gathering in New York which overlapped with the Money 20/20 Europe event in Copenhagen. I’m guessing my tickets to these events got ...
June has been a crazy month for me, and as a result i have not been writing so much. Anyway, this months payments news recap was a good opportunity to catch up and see what has been happening. And what a month! Check out the following top payments news stories that caught my eye during ...
Enabling digital payments to serve previously financial excluded communities for me is a fascinating topic. Digital payments in this respect is about so much than payments and technology, it enables the transformation of entire communities and more importantly their prosperity. So the recent case study by the Better than Cash Alliance – How Digitizing Agricultural ...
Over the weekend i took a read of the EY Global Banking Outlook 2017 report. It’s a good read, the key and recurring message is “Uncertainty is no excuse for inaction”. Its a global banking report, so of course banks are the focus but what i found particularly interesting was that many of the themes ...
There has been a lot in the press recently about the EU GDPR – that is the European Union, General Data Protection Regulation. GDPR was adopted by the EU Parliament in April 2016, and becomes EU law from 25th May, 2018. Yeah, less than a year away. I don’t want to scare you, but GDPR ...
In my mind, the Fintech Revolution is happening. Every conference i attend, banker or industry “expert” i speak to has a Fintech angle to share. Innovation in financial services is at unprecedented levels with new technologies (distributed ledgers, APIs, big data) and upcoming regulation such as PSD2 opening up financial services to new players. Then ...
I haven’t been posting much recently, most of May was spent preparing for a wedding (not mine!). Anyway creating this payments news summary was a good way to catch up and see what was going on. The spotlight was yet again on Cyber-security (WannaCry), mobile payments went from strength to strength with various deployments (Android ...
Last year SWIFT released a paper – SWIFT on Distributed Ledger Technologies – highlighting the opportunities and challenges of distributed ledger technology in financial services. I know I’m a year too late (!!), but better late than never, eh? Anyway, following is a quick summary of the key points that i noted from the SWIFT ...
The last couple of weeks have been pretty crazy for me, both at work and home, so that is why i havent been able to post much recently. Anyway, over the past few weeks i have gotten into a few conversations where people have asked me about all this disruption that is going on. And ...
Below i have recapped what i think are noteworthy Payments News stories in April. Some interesting picks include the Lithuanian chap who scammed both Google and Facebook, JP Morgan leaving R3, various FinTech developments coming from both startups and incumbents and quite a few SWIFT stories. I haven’t had a chance to read all of ...