Enabling digital payments to serve previously financial excluded communities for me is a fascinating topic. Digital payments in this respect is about so much than payments and technology, it enables the transformation of entire communities and more importantly their prosperity. So the recent case study by the Better than Cash Alliance – How Digitizing Agricultural ...
Everyday we hear about new mobile payment apps, and about how one mobile payment app is attracting millions of new users. In this post, i thought i would highlight some of the most popular mobile payment apps (in no particular order) in the world. As i find new interesting information, i will add/update this post. ...
SEPA card payments isn’t something that i have really gotten into so far, simply because the initial focus was achieving SEPA compliance and then funky fintech stuff started kicking off…! But last week, the European Payments Council issued a press release detailing the publication of a SEPA Cards Standardisation Volume (version 7.1). I must admit, it ...
Over the weekend i had a really bad cold (!!) and ended up watching a bit of TV. One of the things i watched was the film 10 Things I Hate About You, a modern day adaptation of the Shakespeare comedy The Taming of the Shrew. It’s a pretty cool film and the title somehow ...
Whenever there is talk of mobile money payments initiatives, the M-Pesa Kenya implementation is probably one of the most referenced success stories. And rightly so! The statistics are incredible, with 21.8 million registered M-Pesa users in Kenya making payments person to person (KSh 106 billion) , person to business (KSh 23.5 billion) and business to ...
The GSMA State of the Industry – Mobile Financial Services for the Unbanked 2014 – Report is a really interesting insight into the mobile money landscape. The report compiled by GSMA’s Mobile Money for the Unbanked (MMU) team is a must read for anybody interested in mobile money, the unbanked and financial inclusion. Following are ...
Ok, so in this post I want to return to the topic of payments, in particular Payment Infographics. I was on the look out for Payment Infographics that highlight the dominant industry trends and it didn’t take long before I came across some informative and insightful illustrations. The following 5 payment infographics for me nicely highlight the key ...
Last week ING Group released their ING Mobile Banking 2015 Report highlighting trends and key developments in the mobile banking and payments space over 2015. I don’t want to get too heavily into the statistics, but rather to share some of the overall themes that emerged from the survey. Following are 10 key takeaways from the ING ...
The global growth in contactless payments is resulting in some to mourn the death of the wallet. The days of clinking change in your pocket and withdrawing ‘fresh’ notes from an ATM, according to the popular press, are drawing to a close. The purpose of this post is to share what contactless payments are, and why ...
The recent EPC Newsletter post on The Future of Payments highlights some interesting payment trends that key industry influencers believe will emerge over the course of 2015 and beyond. In the newsletter Javier Santamaria, the head of the EPC, summarises the payments related topics from the European Commission’s ‘Conference on emerging challenges in retail finance ...