29 Epic Identity Tweets From the ID2020 Summit in New York

Okay, so i didnt know anything about ID2020 until Friday night. I was browsing Twitter and one of my go-to people, Chris Skinner,  tweeted “I believe i can fly”. The picture reminded me of the St. Michael statue outside of Coventry Cathedral – which is just outside of my home town. Before too long i realised ...

What Can Fintech Start Ups Learn From Leicester City FC?

Leicester City Football Club are the English Premier League Champions! The Leicester City story has been described by some commentators as one of the greatest sporting achievements ever. Leicester City’s Premier League triumph has already been well documented and to put it into context the odds at the start of the season were 5000-1 to ...

Brexit Explained In About 5 Minutes 3

There is a lot out there about Brexit, and the sheer amount of information is pretty overwhelming. So in this “Brexit Explained” post, i will share some of the basics of what you really need to know. If you know this stuff, everything else you watch or read about should more or less make sense. ...

8 Easy Ways For Corporates To LOOK Innovative 3

I was re-reading the post 11 Powerful Corporate Innovation Truths recently, where the CB Insights Chief Anand Sanwal talks about 8 Simple Ways to Look More Innovative. Its a brilliant piece and I get that its a bit of fun, but i thought i would delve deeper into the 8 highlighted methods and see if there really ...

11 Powerful Corporate Innovation Truths by CB Insights 5

Many of us subscribe to newsletters with good intentions to learn about this, that and the other. If you’re like me though, you dont read half of the newsletters that you have subscribed to! One newsletter that bucks this trend is that from CB Insights. The team provide a pretty cool and very readable analysis ...

The 21 Most Popular Tweets from the WEF in Davos 2016 1

The annual World Economic Forum meeting in Davos 2016 has instigated plenty of debate and discussion around many of the current and anticipated global trends. The main topic at Davos was the Fourth Industrial Revolution – yep, you heard about it here first! The Economic Forum agenda provides a very informative insight into a range of topics. ...

10 Technology Trends for 2016 by Gartner 3

Technology is changing everything! In the post the World Is In Beta, the importance of digital is highlighted – both as a way of maintaining competitive advantage in a fast changing world and as a way to explore new business models and products. One of the themes that comes across when we talk about disruption ...

How DANDYGIT can help you understand Blockchain… 12

Ok, so let me start off by saying that i am having a bit of a laugh here, and making a random and unexpected link to blockchain. One of my favourite programs is 8 Out of 10 Cats does Countdown, and while i was watching some clips on YouTube an interesting conundrum came up. The ...

8 Christmas Myths, 7 Fintech Tales and a Partridge in a Pear Tree 3

Alright, so i am about ready to put on my Christmas jumper and start celebrating the festive season. Before i do i thought i would share some, what i found, interesting Christmas myths alongside a list of popular fintech myths. Myths are often a convenient way of looking at a particular phenomenon which over time ...

7 Goldman Sachs Predictions For The Future 2

Over the last few days there has been extensive coverage of the Goldman Sachs predictions for the future. The predictions were sent in a Emerging Theme Radar research report, titled “Themes, Dreams and Flying Machines”, to clients on Wednesday. From a finance and technology perspective the most heavily discussed of the Goldman Sachs predictions has been their ...