Payments in the UK are changing and a couple of months ago Payments UK released a report – Changing Payments Landscape: How 2017 will change the way we pay for good – outlining the reasons why. The UK payments industry is often described as a global leader paving the way for other countries, innovating and delivering ...
I should have spent the Easter weekend decorating, but ended up reading up about the Shadow Brokers, SWIFT, EastNets and the NSA leak. In this post i thought i would explain what it all means for corporates that use SWIFT, and in particular for those that connect to SWIFT using a SWIFT Service Bureau. Shadow ...
Payments news stories in March 2017 were dominated by the usual suspects – cyber-security, mobile payments and fintech! SWIFT started its various SWIFT Business Forums, and for us SWIFT’ies that’s pretty interesting. Check out the following top payments news stories that caught my eye during March 2017: 1. Payments News – Cyber Security Cifas figures ...
Last week the European Payments Council released a report – 2016 Payment Threats Trends Report – which highlights some current cybersecurity threats resulting in fraudulent payments. In this post, i summarise those key payment threats: 1. Denial of Service (DoS) Attack A Denial of Service (DoS) attack involves resetting or overwhelming the targets resources to ...
Today the European Commission hosted a fintech conference debating the transformational effect technology is having on financial services and posed the question “Is EU regulation fit for new financial technologies?” The European Commission Vice President Valdis Dombrovskis gave an interesting keynote speech, and there’s a web-stream recording of the event, which i may cover at ...
I must admit, i haven’t worked with EBICS at all and in recent days have been on a mission to find out as much as possible about the EBICS connectivity method. In this post i share some of the things i learnt about EBICS. 1. What is EBICS? EBICS is the Electronic Banking Internet Communication Standard, ...
Over the weekend, i was reading the European Payments Council (EPC) March 2017 Newsletter. I know, i need to get out more! Anyway, its a good read. What really caught my eye was a PSD2 Infographic – you do need to sit down and read it – but i think its worth a look. The ...
I’m always interested in trends, and have recently highlighted Fintech trends and technology trends for 2017. In this post, I highlight the Capgemini infographic highlighting 10 payments trends for 2017. As they say, a picture tells a thousand words, and this Capgemini payments trends 2017 infographic nicely highlights the following 10 payments trends: Digital Payments ...
As i gathered the top payments news stories in February 2017, i came across a speech the EBA (European Banking Authority) Chair – Andrea Enria – gave at the Westminster Forum on PSD2 in the UK. It was an interesting speech which clearly outlines the importance of PSD2 (Payments Services Directive) for the whole of ...
The post Calling All Fintech Companies and Fintech Startups is an open invitation to all fintech companies and fintech startups to complete a short questionnaire about themselves. The objective is to shine a spotlight on new and emerging fintech companies, give them a bit of exposure and give you the opportunity to learn first hand about the ...