Gartner Magic Quadrant Explained in about 5 Minutes 1

I’m hearing a lot about the Gartner Magic Quadrant, so thought i would check it out. In this post, i share the absolute minimum that you need to know about the Gartner Magic Quadrant.

What is the Gartner Magic Quadrant?

In short, the Gartner Magic Quadrant is a graphical way to analyse and represent a particular product/market/industry in terms of their ability to deliver based on their vision.

The Quadrant consists of 4 segments which are measured along and x and y axis, to represent the completeness of vision and ability to execute respectively:

  1. Leaders
    • Effectively deliver on their stated vision, and are in good shape for the future
  2. Visionaries
    • Recognise the future direction of their product/market/industry and potentially have a good vision for changing the existing industry status quo – but are unable to make things happen
  3. Niche Players
    • Successfully focus on a specific product/sector, or lack focus and are unable to outperform and out-innovate other competitors
  4. Challengers
    • Are performing well today or may command great influence in a particular sector, but are unaware or unable to see the future direction of their product/market/industry

Gartner Magic Quadrant

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So What…?

The Gartner Magic Quadrant is a simple but brilliant way for you to:

  • Analyse your product/company/other companies, industries and even yourself!
  • Understand your own vision and ability to execute
  • Recognise areas for improvement and devise a strategy to help you meet your specific goals
  • Make effective strategic decisions using analysis of your company versus your competitors
  • Take advantage of Gartner’s analysis to help you make your own assessment

Hope this helps!

One comment on “Gartner Magic Quadrant Explained in about 5 Minutes

  1. Reply Cheryl Mallard Mar 24,2020 2:36 pm

    I am working as a consultant in the Business Continuity space and my first task is to do a RFP/Software recommendation for BCP software applications. I’d like to get a report of the BCP software applications that have been vetted by Gartner to submit to my client for consideration in making a software selection. My business email address is Will this prohibit me from getting results?

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