SWIFT Nordics Conference 2015 – Summary

For those of us unable to attend, Finextra has provided in their Live Blog Day 1 and Live Blog Day 2 an excellent insight into the SWIFT Nordics Conference. As I read through the blog posts I thought it would be useful to summarise key quotes and items of discussion from the two day SWIFT conference in ...

UK Payments Council Selects SWIFT as SEPA IBAN Only Vendor 1

The news yesterday (10-Feb-15) that the UK Payments Council has selected SWIFT as the vendor for the UK’s SEPA IBAN only central infrastructure platform has been widely reported. Full details of the announcement can be found at the SWIFT press release. The intention of this post is to understand what the press release really means ...

Corporate to Bank Connectivity – 10 Questions YOU Need To Ask 7

Most discussions about SEPA are no longer about compliance but instead about how to achieve process efficiencies and process improvements. Have a read of SEPA compliance, Tick. What next…? for some general information about what to consider now that SEPA compliant processes have been implemented. This post will focus on one specific area – corporate ...

BAI2 Format Specification 6

BAI2 Format Specification – Corporates are using a variety of bank statement formats to receive information from their bank(s) about the activity happening on a given account. While most corporates are using the MT940 format, other bank statement formats are of course available and being used. One such example is the BAI2 format. Just before the ...

Sibos Conference 2014 – 5 Tips For Newbies 3

Fresh from the summer break most of us are now back to work and wondering what all the SEPA fuss was about? Dare I say it, the August 2014 deadline has come and gone and for many of us things are going pretty well. As they say “no news is good news” and on the ...

MT940 Format Overview 23

It is fair to say that most SEPA implementations are focusing on SEPA compliance, and rightly so! This focus will ensure that corporate payments and direct debit collections can continue to happen uninterrupted after the SEPA deadline. The spotlight for now is very much on the corporate to bank space. Less attention is being given ...