SEPA Deadline Delayed – 1st August, 2014 6

SEPA Deadline Delayed - 1st August, 2014
Just as we were rolling up our sleeves up, one eye on the 1st February SEPA deadline, the other on multiple SEPA implementations, coupled with a nervousness about overall readiness — the European Commission announces an extension to the SEPA migration deadline to 1st August, 2014. While the EC “stresses that the SEPA migration end date of 1 February ...

What Is In Scope for 1st February, 2014… 3

Right, we’re in the home straight and we need to ensure we’re working on the right things. There is a lot of confusion about what is in scope for 1st February, 2014 and what is waived and/or niche. In this post, I will highlight those processes that will be obsolete post 1st February, 2014. Unless your bank ...

SEPA Deadline – 2 Months and Ticking….. 2

We have just over 2 months to go until the SEPA deadline. You need to take stock of where you’re at with you’re SEPA implementation. Your probably already sending monthly updates to your key stakeholders, with details of successes, failures, risks up to this point. Thats all great. The following approach should take you about ...

5 SEPA Credit Transfer Go Live Checks You Cannot Miss 6

Like many corporates, you’re going live with a / many SEPA Credit Transfer interfaces in the coming weeks or indeed months. Most of the hard work should have been done by now, and you want to double check and validate you’re ready. Following is a list of 5 SEPA Go Live checks you cannot afford to miss: ...

Quick Guide To COR1 SEPA Direct Debits 6

Many legacy direct debit schemes were pretty efficient and allowed creditors to collect according to various business requirements. Some legacy schemes allowed collections to be submitted to the bank / clearing 1 day prior to the collection date. This has now changed under SEPA direct debit CORE processing where the requirement is for collection instructions to ...

A Must Visit Website for any SEPA Implementation… 5

I know what you’re thinking, he’s going to plug his own website 😉 By now, i think we’re all realising the pain point of any implementation is the validity of the BIC information. There are of course many sites that can help you with this particular problem area. But there is one that deserves special attention for ...

Migrating to SEPA in 5 Easy Steps 4

You have probably read lots of good stuff about migrating to SEPA . Even when you are migrating the same SEPA process, be it credit transfers or direct debit collections, no two implementations will be the same. You may have migrated a SEPA process in France and will think right, i will copy and replicate ...

SEPA Payroll – Deadline: October 2013…

Sorry for the shock headline, but with reference to salary payments consider this – alot of companies pay their employee salaries at the end of the month. In terms of timelines payroll is a key process that happens once a month, at the end of the month, and cannot go wrong. You have the potential ...

SEPA Direct Debit Key Considerations 8

If your following through the various SEPA Direct Debit related posts, i’d suggest the following order: SEPA Direct Debit – An Overview Differences between the SEPA Core and B2B Schemes I’m guessing you will have done some of your own reading too, and you’ll be thinking about implementing the SEPA Direct Debit process within your ...

Difference between SEPA Core and B2B Schemes 27

In the SEPA Direct Debit Overview, i have highlighted in brief what the SEPA direct debit scheme is all about. From that we understand there are two SEPA Direct Debit schemes: Core and B2B. Here i will highlight some, not all, of the key differences that you need to be aware of. Before we get ...