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The Cognitive Biases Through Which We See the World – Infographic

Regular readers of this blog will know that I have been lying low recently. Couple of reasons, with the new year I am thinking about what I really want to achieve in 2018, and if/how could this blog help me achieve some of those goals. So, this step back from regular posting and into deep thought has taken me to a few different and new places. One of those was to re-evaluate how I thought about and interpreted the world around me.

Through this I stumbled upon something called cognitive bias. I will admit that i know very little about the cognitive bias field, but some of the cognitive bias ideas that i read about have made me aware of my own swayed interpretations and for me awareness is the first step towards change. I’m only just delving into this, so let’s see where it takes me….

Anyway, this is a really powerful idea and I wanted to share with you an infographic that nicely highlights upon every cognitive bias. See the infographic below for full details, in short it hits on 4 key ideas. Take a read and see if the themes strike a chord with you:

1) What Should We Remember?

2) We Need to Act Fast

3) Too Much Information

4) Not Enough Meaning

Courtesy of: Visual Capitalist
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