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6 Things Mastercard Taught Me About the Sharing Economy

There is a lot being said about the sharing economy at the moment, and conveniently last month Mastercard released a whitepaper The Sharing Economy: Understanding the Opportunities for Growth. I was reading it last night on the train back from London and in this post will share my notes.

1. What is the Sharing Economy?

There are countless definitions of the sharing economy. Mastercard propose that our natural human instinct to share with one another combined with new technology is enabling “sharing” to happen in unprecedented ways.  But what is the sharing economy…

..a socio-economic ecosystem that empowers people to share underutilised assets directly with others.” – The Sharing Economy, Good Lab, 2016

Examples of the sharing economy are nicely summarised by TechCrunch: “Uber, the world’s largest taxi company, owns no vehicles. Facebook, the world’s most popular media owner, creates no content. Alibaba, the most valuable retailer, has no inventory. And Airbnb, the world’s largest accommodation provider, owns no real estate.

2. The Four Phases of the Sharing Economy:

Source: The Sharing Economy: Understanding the Opportunities for Growth (Mastercard)

3. Is the Sharing Economy a Big Deal?

Consider this, the European sharing or collaborative market (by accommodation, transportation, buying/selling goods, on demand professional services, sharing/renting of goods) helped to generate €27.9 billion between May 2015 and May 2016, with around 191 million citizens involved in at least 1 sharing economy transaction with a payment.

And all of the other stats simply point to the continued growth, in fact crazy growth, of the sharing economy.

Future Changes that will shape the Sharing Economy

4. Access to Value

By access to value, Mastercard are referring to the use of technology (mainly new technology) to tap into new markets. You’re probably wondering, which technologies..?

These technologies change objects or “things” from being static to being active. Once they become active the objects have the ability to connect with people and the world around them. As the connectivity of objects and people increases so too does the opportunity to share.

Mastercard predict that by 2022 1 trillion connected devices will enable better use of resources, increased connectivity and as a result drive the ability to share and create value.

5. Improved Trust & Transparency

Mastercard state “trust remains the key enabler of the sharing economy”, and that trust in the sharing economy requires improvements in technology and regulation.



6. Enhanced Experience

It goes without saying that a better customer or user experience is the key to the success of the sharing economy. The next question is how to deliver an enhanced customer experience in the sharing economy:

Interesting stuff, eh?

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