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11 Things You Need To Know About SEPA Instant Payments

Everyone wants everything instantly! Consumers are increasingly accustomed to instant payments through various mobile offerings, and there is a similar ‘instant’ expectation for non-mobile payments. In Europe that means SEPA Payments, hence the emergence of SEPA Inst Payments, or more officially the SEPA Instant Credit Transfer Scheme. Instant payments are clearly the flavour of the day. In this post i thought i would give you the lowdown of the top 11 things you need to know about the SEPA instant payments scheme based on information from the European Payments Council.

1. When was the idea of a SEPA Instant Payments Scheme, SEPA Inst Payments, first floated?

The European Payments Council (EPC) proposed the idea of a SEPA instant payments scheme to the Euro Retail Payments Board (ERPB) in November 2015

The proposal was largely instigated by shifts in consumer, corporate and retail expectations around payments processing, and payments innovation which have brought about various digital solutions and real time processing platforms.

2. What are SEPA Instant Payments?

The Euro Retail Payments Board defined SEPA Inst Payments as:

“electronic retail payment solutions available 24/7/365 and resulting in the immediate or close-to-immediate interbank clearing of the transaction and crediting of the payee’s account with confirmation to the payer (within seconds of payment initiation). This is irrespective of the underlying payment instrument used (credit transfer, direct debit or payment card) and of the underlying arrangements for clearing (whether bilateral interbank clearing or clearing via infrastructures) and settlement (e.g. with guarantees or in real time) that make this possible”

My interpretation is a lot simpler – The ability to make SEPA payments anytime, any day and within a few seconds.

3. We have already have instant payments in the UK, why do we need SEPA instant payments?

Yeah, instant payments are available in the UK, Poland, Sweden and Denmark – but this is the first time we will have instant payments across an entire region! Cross border baby – that’s a pretty big deal!

4. What is the difference between a regular SEPA Credit Transfer and a SEPA Instant Credit Transfer

SCT SEPA Credit Transfer:

SCT Inst:

5. Will SEPA Instant Credit Transfers (SCT Inst) be Mandatory?

SCT Inst will build upon the existing SEPA Credit Transfer Payment scheme. While the scheme is available to all Payment Service Providers, SEPA Credit Transfer Instant Payments (SCT Inst) is an optional scheme

6. Which countries will participate in the SCT Inst Scheme?

The SCT Inst scheme will be available across the 34 SEPA Countries

1. Austria, 2. Belgium, 3. Bulgaria, 4. Croatia, 5. Cyprus, 6. Czech Republic, 7. Denmark, 8. Estonia, 9. Finland, 101. France, 11. Germany, 12. Greece, 13. Hungary, 14. Iceland, 15. Ireland, 16. Italy, 17. Latvia, 18. Liechtenstein, 19. Lithuania, 20. Luxembourg, 21. Malta, 22. Monaco, 23. Netherlands, 24. Norway, 25. Poland,  26. Portugal, 27. Romania, 28. San Marino, 29. Slovakia, 30. Slovenia, 31. Spain, 32. Sweden, 33, Switzerland, 34. United Kingdom

7. Is there a maximum transaction value for SEPA Instant Credit Transfers?

The initial maximum SCT Inst value will be €15,000 (euro)

8. What does Instant mean?

9. What is the current status of SEPA Instant Payments – SCT Inst?

From 12-April through to 10th July, 2016 there is a 3 month consultation where the SCT Inst scheme rulebook is open to public consultation – so you can provide your input around how you think SEPA instant payments in Europe should work

10. What is the overall plan for SCT Inst?

11. When can I make a Instant Euro Payment?

The SEPA Instant Credit Transfers scheme will go live in November 2017




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