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SEPA Go Live – 4 Things You Need To Do TODAY!

With just under 3 weeks to go until the 1st August SEPA Go Live deadline, and keeping in mind the ECB SEPA Statistics for May 2014, there is no doubt that the 6 month deadline extension was absolutely essential. But collectively we’re not quite there, 100% SEPA compliant, yet. I’m guessing that any outstanding SEPA implementations at this point will have met with some kind of major unexpected road block that has prevented SEPA compliance 6 months after the official SEPA deadline.

Anyway we are where we are, and if you’re in the process of either starting (perhaps a ‘mini’ implementation) or wrapping up any other SEPA implementation I recommend checking out the following posts:

But at this last juncture you may not have enough time to change, test and deploy significant system changes such as:

Add to this, the summer holiday period. We should not under-estimate the impact of going live with SEPA processing in the middle of the summer holidays. Your SEPA go live is likely to be impacted by the holiday period:

4 SEPA Go Live Tasks You Need To Do TODAY:

1. Talk to your bank!

2. Convert your legacy bank details to BIC and IBAN

3. Apply for your SEPA Creditor Identifier


Let’s assume the worst case scenario. Its 1st August, your SEPA go live project for whatever reason has not gone live. In the meantime, the business still needs to function and make payments and/or direct debit collections. The solution isn’t pretty, is labour intensive, but it will enable you to make payments / collections…..

Entering payments into internet banking can be time consuming, but it will enable your business to make any critical payments and collections while you continue to address any issues with your SEPA implementation. As long as you have the BIC and IBAN details you’ll be good to handle SEPA Credit Transfers through internet banking. Similarly, for SEPA CORE direct debit collections, you’ll need the BIC and IBAN details and the Creditor Identifier that we have already talked about.

 Good luck!

If you feel that you may not be ready in time, I recommend starting the 4 above checks TODAY. They will help you through 1st August SEPA go live, and will ensure that your critical supplier payments and customer collections can continue uninterrupted. That’s my list of 4 SEPA things to work on TODAY, let me know if you think I have missed something important. Lastly, I wish you well with your SEPA implementation(s)!

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