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The Difference between a SWIFT ACK and SWIFT NACK

Having explained the various SWIFT message types and the structure of a SWIFT message, one of the other big questions that corporates contend with is what is the difference between a SWIFT ACK (Acknowledgement) and SWIFT NACK or sometimes referred to as SWIFT NAK (Negative Acknowledgement). Let’s get straight into it…

The Structure of SWIFT Acknowledgements

In the post Structure of a SWIFT Message post, I explain the 5 blocks that constitute a SWIFT message: {1:} Basic Header Block {2:} Application Header Block {3:} User Header Block {4:} Text Block {5:} Trailer Block Well, SWIFT Acknowledgements contain just 2 blocks: {1:} Basic Header Block {4:} Text Block The Basic Header Block is exactly as described in the Structure of a SWIFT Message. The important thing to note in the Basic Header Block is that a SWIFT Acknowledgement message will start  {1:F21

Lets now go through the details of the text block, this is where the differences lie…

A SWIFT ACK – {451:0}

A SWIFT ACK would typically look something like the following:  



Ok, so to state the obvious – THE most important piece to focus on is {451:0} indicating the message has been successfully accepted by SWIFT


A SWIFT NACK would typically look something like the following:



Ok, so in the SWIFT NACK or NAK – the Accept / Reject Tag {451:1} equal 1, indicating the message has been rejected by SWIFT. It then includes a tag indicating the Reject reason {405:T27}

The Difference Between a SWIFT ACK and SWIFT NACK

If we put the ACK and NACK alongside each other:

SWIFT ACK: {1:F21YOURCODEZABC1234567890}{4:{177:1508052359}{451:0}{108:ILOVESEPA}}
SWIFT NACK: {1:F21YOURCODEZABC1234567890}{4:{177:1508052359}{451:1}{405:T27}{108:ILOVESEPA}}

We can see that the SWIFT NACK Indicates a Rejected Status {451:1} and the Rejected Reason Error Code {405:T27}

SWIFT FIN Error Codes

Now you’re probably thinking, “Great….! But how do I find out what a T27 or whatever error code I get is in plain English…?”

Good question – SWIFT have published a list of all the error codes. I couldn’t find the SWIFT document but check out IBM’s list of SWIFT Error Codes. Most of the errors for corporates will be found in the Text Validation Error Codes section


Hope that helps…!!






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