10 Most Popular Payments Tweets from February, 2016

Having summarised The Top Payments News Stories in February, 2016 i noticed that some stories were hugely popular on twitter. Some payments news stories received a huge number of likes and retweets, and for me that in itself provides a fascinating insight into what stories and themes are engaging people the most in the industry. I started to analyse and delve into these trending payments related tweets to see the stories, the overall themes and the tweeters (is that even a word/title?!?). The listed payments themes were tweeted the most:

Following are the most popular payments tweets from February 2016.

The Most Popular Payments Tweets from February 2016:

1. Payments Security – Tokenisation


2. International Payments


3. Payments and the Internet of Things 24/17


4. Faster Payments


5. Mobile Payments


6. Fintech in Switzerland


7. Payment Start Ups and Fintech


8. Simplifying Payments


9. Payments and Wearables


10. Payments Innovation

Thanks for stopping by – Take a look around…!!


Note: The most popular payments tweets from February 2016 were identified as follows:

  • The most popular tweets – those were the tweets that were retweeted and liked the most
  • Tweets during the period: 1st-29th February, 2016
  • Tweets that used the hastag #payments
  • Promoted tweets were not included – i only wanted to capture ‘organically’ popular tweets
  • Ranking are based on the statistics at the time of writing this post

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